作者:www.jggjgg.cn 編輯:中國廚房設備網(wǎng)
岳雄飛現(xiàn)任思科全球副總裁,負責亞太區(qū)政策與政府事務,常駐北京。他負責思科亞太區(qū)公共政策議程的制定及政府事務相關(guān)活動的管理, 致力于推進該地區(qū)各國政府實施有助促進技術(shù)應用、推動經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和造福公民的公共政策。
岳雄飛于2009年加入此前在美國國務院從事外交工作逾21年。 在奧巴馬總統(tǒng)和布什總統(tǒng)任職內(nèi),他就職白宮。他最近在海外擔任的職務是美國駐尼泊爾加德滿都大使館代理大使,此前擔任美國駐四川成都總領(lǐng)事館的總領(lǐng)事。他還曾在中國、泰國和危地馬拉擔任多項職務,并在華盛頓負責中國相關(guān)事務。
他在美國國務院擔任的多項職務都關(guān)注信息技術(shù)。他曾管理直接為國務卿辦公室服務的信息資源管理人員,在通信和國際政策辦公室負責東亞電信 問題,并在國際信息計劃署管理一項息技術(shù)專家交流計劃,因其在擔任危機管理人員負責人期間,提議并建設一個協(xié)作式的、基于維基的環(huán)境用以應對國際危機管理,他在2006年榮獲美國國務院的年度技術(shù)創(chuàng)新獎。
在加入美國國務院之前,岳雄飛曾在華盛頓特區(qū)的Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom事務所擔任律師。他畢業(yè)于約翰霍普金斯大學(歷史學馬里蘭州立大學息技術(shù)聯(lián)邦CIO認證)和哥倫比亞大學法學院(法學博士)
Jeff Moon is Vice President of Asia-Pacific Policy and Government Affairs for Cisco Systems, Inc. based in Beijing, he is responsible for developing Cisco's public policy agenda and managing government affairs activities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including Greater China. He focuses on encouraging governments in the region to implement policies that promote technology adoption and drive economic development to benefit their citizens.
Jeff joined Cisco in 2009 after a 21-year career as an American diplomat with the U.S. State Department. During the Obama and Bush administrations, he served in the White House as Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Security Council. He served overseas most recently as Acting Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal and previously as Principal Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, China. He completed other assignments in China, Thailand and Guatemala, and on the China desk in Washington.
Many of his State Department assignments focused on information technology. He supervised the Information Resources Management staff in the Office of the Secretary of State, covered East Asia telecommunications issues in the Office of Communications and International Policy, and managed an IT exchange program in the International Information Programs Bureau. He received the State Department's annual Technology Innovation award in 2006 for establishing a collaborative, wiki-based environment for managing international crises during his tenure as Director of the Crisis Management Staff.
Before joining the State Department, Jeff was an attorney in Washington, D.C with Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. He is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University (B.A. History; Phi Beta Kappa), the University of Maryland (M.S. Information Technology; Federal CIO Certification), and Columbia Law School (J.D.). His foreign languages include Mandarin Chinese and Thai.
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